Tenuta Tre Terre is an estate in the small valley of Dragočevac, a village close to the municipality of Momjan. We are engaged in the production of vinegar, and we proudly point out that our vinegar is a real gourmet delicacy that will enchant you, not only with its smell and taste, but also with the composition that introduces you to the story itself. We believe that vinegar gives a note to every dish and creates the right composition of flavors. That’s why we named our vinegar NOTA. At the estate, we offer vinegar tasting with dishes prepared with our Allegro Nota apple vinegar, Forte Nota wine vinegar and aged must or Andante Nota. Along with the tasting, we offer wines from local producers. On the property we have a tasting room and a sales area with local Istrian delicacies. For the tasting, you need to make a reservation by calling 0919507700.
Tasting of Nota vinegar

December 20, 2023